Data Package Manager API

The Data Package Manager API consists of six groups of PASTA web services:

  1. Upload and Evaluation of data packages
  2. Browse and Discovery of data packages
  3. Listing data packages
  4. Accessing data package resources
  5. Provenance tracking and metadata
  6. Data package Event Notifications
  7. Data package Identifier Reservations
  8. Journal Citations services
  9. System Monitoring services
  10. Miscellaneous data package services

Upload and Evaluation

Describes web service methods for uploading (creating or updating) and evaluating data packages.

Create Data Package


Creates a new PASTA data package by providing the EML document describing the data package to be created in the request message body and returning a transaction identifier in the response message body as plain text; the transaction identifier may be used in a subsequent call to Read Data Package Error to determine the operation status; see Read Data Package to obtain the data package resource map if the operation completed successfully.


  1. Using curl to upload a new data package to PASTA where knb-lter-lno.1.1.xml is the filesystem EML document in XML format:

    curl -i -u "uid=ucarroll,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org:PASSWORD" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/xml" --data-binary @knb-lter-lno.1.1.xml \
      -X POST

Evaluate Data Package


Evaluate Data Package operation, specifying the EML document describing the data package to be evaluated in the request message body, and returning a transaction identifier in the response message body as plain text; the transaction identifier may be used in a subsequent call to Read Data Package Error to determine the operation status or to Read Evaluate Report to obtain the evaluate quality report.

An optional query parameter, “useChecksum”, can be appended to the URL. When specified, the useChecksum query parameter directs the server to determine whether it can use an existing copy of a data entity from a previous revision of the data package based on matching a metadata-documented checksum value (MD5 or SHA-1) to the checksum of the existing copy. If a match is found, the server will skip the upload of the data entity from the remote URL and instead use its matching copy.

Please Note: Specifying “useChecksum” can save time by eliminating data uploads, but clients should take care to ensure that metadata-documented checksum values are accurate and up to date.

Update Data Package


Update Data Package operation, specifying the scope and identifier of the data package to be updated in the URI, along with the EML document describing the data package to be created in the request message body, and returning a transaction identifier in the response message body as plain text; the transaction identifier may be used in a subsequent call to Read Data Package Error to determine the operation status; see Read Data Package to obtain the data package resource map if the operation completed successfully.

An optional query parameter, “useChecksum”, can be appended to the URL. When specified, the useChecksum query parameter directs the server to determine whether it can use an existing copy of a data entity from a previous revision of the data package based on matching a metadata-documented checksum value (MD5 or SHA-1) to the checksum of the existing copy. If a match is found, the server will skip the upload of the data entity from the remote URL and instead use its matching copy.

Please Note: Specifying “useChecksum” can save time by eliminating data uploads, but clients should take care to ensure that metadata-documented checksum values are accurate and up to date.

Browse and Discovery

Describes web service methods for browsing and discovering data packages.

Search Data Packages


Searches data packages in PASTA using the specified Solr query as the query parameters in the URL. Search results are returned as XML. Detailed examples of Solr queries and their corresponding search results XML are shown below.

Solr Queries

Solr queries are demonstrated in the examples below.


A full discussion of Solr query syntax is beyond the scope of this document. Documentation on this topic can be found online, for example, the Apache Solr Wiki.

Searchable Fields

Documents in PASTA’s Solr repository can be discovered based on metadata values stored in the following list of searchable fields:

Single-value Fields:

  • abstract
  • begindate
  • doi
  • enddate
  • funding
  • geographicdescription
  • id
  • methods
  • packageid
  • pubdate
  • responsibleParties
  • scope
  • singledate
  • site
  • taxonomic
  • title

Multi-value Fields

  • author
  • coordinates
  • keyword
  • organization
  • projectTitle
  • relatedProjectTitle
  • timescale

Search Results

Search results are returned in XML format. (See examples below.)


  1. Using curl to query PASTA for all documents containing the term “Vernberg”, excluding documents with scope “ecotrends” (fq=-scope:ecotrends) and also excluding documents with a scope that begins with the substring “lter-landsat” (fq=-scope:lter-landsat*). In this example, all fields for matching documents are included in the search results (fl=*).

    (Note: For brevity, only one document is displayed in the search results shown below and some of its content has been truncated.):

    curl -X GET "\
    <resultset numFound='3' start='0' rows='10'>
            <abstract>This data package consists of Daily Water Sample Parameter,...</abstract>
            <geographicdescription>North Inlet encompasses about 2,630 hectares of tidal...</geographicdescription>
                Vernberg, John
                Blood, Elizabeth
                Gardner, Robert
            <title>Suspended Sediment&#x2e; Daily Water Sample Parameter&#x2c; and Sediment...</title>
                <author>Vernberg, John</author>
                <author>Blood, Elizabeth</author>
                <author>Gardner, Robert</author>
                <coordinates>-79.2936 33.1925 -79.1042 33.357</coordinates>
                <keyword>North Inlet Estuary</keyword>
                <keyword>Baruch Institute</keyword>
                <keyword>Georgetown, South Carolina</keyword>
                <keyword>community dynamics</keyword>
  2. Using curl to query PASTA for all documents with scope “knb-lter-nwt” containing the terms “plant” and “nitrogen” as keywords, and limiting the returned fields to the “packageid”, “doi”, and “keyword” fields and only the first two matches (rows=2). Note that because the keyword field is a multi-value field, its elements are nested inside a parent keywords element.:

     curl -X GET "\
    <resultset numFound='3' start='0' rows='2'>
            <keyword>nitrogen pool</keyword>
            <keyword>plant nitrogen concentration</keyword>
            <keyword>tissue nitrogen</keyword>
            <keyword>plant production</keyword>
            <keyword>dry meadow</keyword>
            <keyword>moist meadow</keyword>
            <keyword>wet meadow</keyword>
            <keyword>Niwot Ridge LTER</keyword>
            <keyword>Niwot Ridge LTER Site</keyword>
            <keyword>plant species</keyword>
            <keyword>plant species richne</keyword>
            <keyword>tree island</keyword>
  3. Using curl to query PASTA for all documents containing the term “sediment” in the title or the term “disturbance” in the keyword field (q=title:sediment+OR+keyword:disturbance) and limiting the returned fields to the packageid and keyword (fl=packageid,keyword) with up to 1000 matches (rows=1000). Note that because the keyword field is a multi-value field, its elements are nested inside a parent keywords element.

    (Note: For brevity, only two matching documents are displayed in the search results shown below.):

    curl -X GET "\
    <resultset numFound='12248' start='0' rows='1000'>
             <keyword>Aeolian (Wind Related)</keyword>
             <keyword>System State/Condition</keyword>


Describes web service methods for listing data packages.

List Data Entities


List Data Entities operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision values to match in the URI.

List Data Descendants


List Data Descendants operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision values to match in the URI. Data descendants are data packages that are known to be derived, in whole or in part, from the specified source data package.


  1. Using curl to list data descendants of a data package:

    curl -X GET
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <title>Fictitious Title of a PASTA Data Set</title>

List Data Sources


List Data Sources operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision values in the URI. For each data source, its package identifier, title, and URL values are included (if applicable) as documented in the metadata for the specified data package. Data sources can be either internal or external to PASTA. Internal data sources include a “packageId” value and a URL to the source metadata. For data sources external to PASTA, the “packageId” element will be empty and a URL value may or not be documented.


  1. Using curl to list data sources of a data package:

    curl -X GET
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <title>A multi-scaled geospatial and temporal database</title>
            <title>Fictitious Title of an External Data Set</title>

List Data Package Identifiers


List Data Package Identifiers operation, specifying the scope value to match in the URI.

List Data Package Revisions


List Data Package Revisions operation, specifying the scope and identifier values to match in the URI. The request may be filtered by applying the modifiers “oldest” or “newest” to the “filter” query parameter.

List Data Package Scopes


List Data Package Scopes operation, returning all scope values extant in the data package registry.

List User Data Packages


List all data packages (including their revision values) uploaded to the repository by a particular user, specified by a distinguished name. Data packages that were uploaded by the specified user but have since been deleted are excluded from the list.


  1. Using curl to list all (undeleted) data packages uploaded by user ucarroll with distinguished name uid=ucarroll,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org:

    curl -X GET,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org

List Deleted Data Packages


List Deleted Data Packages operation, returning all document identifiers (excluding revision values) that have been deleted from the data package registry.

List Service Methods


List Service Methods operation, returning a simple list of web service methods supported by the Data Package Manager web service.

List Recent Changes


List Recent Changes operation, listing all data package insert, update, and delete operations, optionally specifying the date and time to and/or from which the changes should be listed. An optional scope value can be specified to filter results for a particular data package scope (e.g. scope=edi). If “fromDate” and “toDate” are omitted, lists the complete set of changes recorded in PASTA’a resource registry. If a “scope” value is omitted, results are returned for all data package scopes that exist in the resource registry. Multiple instances of the scope parameter are not supported (only the last scope value specified will be used). The list of changes is returned in XML format. Inserts and updates are recorded in “dataPackageUpload” elements, while deletes are recorded in “dataPackageDelete” elements. (See example below)


  1. Using curl to list data packages that PASTA is working on uploading:

    curl -X GET
           <date>2017-02-10 16:48:56.368</date>
           <date>2017-02-10 16:49:06.83</date>
           <date>2017-02-10 16:49:53.201</date>
           <date>2017-02-10 16:50:22.802</date>
           <date>2017-02-10 16:50:51.111</date>
           <date>2017-02-10 16:50:51.111</date>

List Recent Uploads


List Recent Uploads operation, optionally specifying the upload type (“insert” or “update”) and a maximum limit as query parameters in the URL. (See example below.)

Accessing Data Package Resources

Describes web service methods for accessing data package resources such as data, metadata, and reports.

Read Data Entity


Read Data Entity operation, specifying the scope, identifier, revision, and entity identifier of the data entity to be read in the URI.

Revision may be specified as “newest” or “oldest” to retrieve data from the newest or oldest revision, respectively.

Read Data Entity ACL


Read Data Entity ACL operation, specifying the scope, identifier, revision, and entity identifier of the data entity object whose Access Control List (ACL) is to be read in the URI, returning an XML string representing the ACL for the data entity. Please note: only a very limited set of users are authorized to use this service method.

Read Data Entity Checksum


Read Data Entity Checksum operation, specifying the scope, identifier, revision, and entity identifier of the data entity object whose checksum is to be read in the URI, returning a 40-character SHA-1 checksum value.

Read Data Entity Name


Read Data Entity Name operation, specifying the scope, identifier, revision, and entity identifier of the data entity whose name is to be read in the URI.

Read Data Entity Names


Read Data Entity Names operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package whose data entity names are to be read in the URI, returning a newline-separated list of entity identifiers and name values. Each line in the list contains an entity identifier and its corresponding name value, separated by a comma. Only data entities that the user is authorized to read are included in the list.

Read Data Entity Resource Metadata


Read Data Entity Resource Metadata operation, specifying the scope, identifier, revision, and entity identifier of the data entity object whose resource metadata is to be read in the URI, returning an XML string representing the resource metadata for the data entity.

Read Data Entity Size


Read Data Entity Size operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data entity object whose size is to be read in the URI, returning the size value (in bytes).

Read Data Entity Sizes


Read Data Entity Sizes operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package whose data entity sizes are to be read in the URI, returning a newline-separated list of entity identifiers and size values (in bytes). Each line in the list contains an entity identifier and its corresponding size value, separated by a comma. Only data entities that the user is authorized to read are included in the list.

Read Data Package


Read Data Package operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package to be read in the URI, returning a resource map with reference URLs to each of the metadata, data, and quality report resources that comprise the data package.

Revision may be specified as “newest” or “oldest” to retrieve the newest or oldest revision, respectively.

When the “?ore” query parameter is appended to the request URL, an OAI-ORE compliant resource map in RDF-XML format is returned.


  1. Using curl to read a data package resource map:

    curl -X GET
  2. Using curl to read a data package resource map, using the “?ore” query parameter to specify that the resource map should be returned as an OAI-ORE compliant RDF-XML document:

    curl -X GET
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <dcterms:creator rdf:resource=""/>
        <ore:describes rdf:resource=""/>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <ore:aggregates rdf:resource=""/>
        <ore:aggregates rdf:resource=""/>
        <ore:aggregates rdf:resource=""/>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <cito:documents rdf:resource=""/>
        <cito:documents rdf:resource=""/>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <cito:isDocumentedBy rdf:resource=""/>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <cito:isDocumentedBy rdf:resource=""/>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <foaf:name>Environmental Data Initiative</foaf:name>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
      <rdf:Description rdf:about="">

Read Data Package From DOI


Read Data Package From DOI operation, specifying the DOI of the data package to be read in the URI, returning a resource map with reference URLs to each of the metadata, data, and quality report resources that comprise the data package.

The DOI is specified in the “shoulder”, “pasta”, and “md5” path segments of the URI (see example below).

When the “?ore” query parameter is appended to the request URL, an OAI-ORE compliant resource map in RDF-XML format is returned.


1. Using curl to read a data package resource map by specifying the DOI as three path segments in the URL:

curl -X GET

The three path segments of the DOI are separated by forward slashes. In the above example, they are:
a. shoulder value, in this example, "doi:10.6073". (For test DOIs, the shoulder is "doi:10.5072".)
b. pasta literal, in this example, "pasta". (For test DOIs, the pasta literal is "FK2".)
c. md5 value, in this example, "0675d3602ff57f24838ca8d14d7f3961". Each data package has a unique md5 value.

Read Data Package ACL


Read Data Package ACL operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package whose Access Control List (ACL) is to be read in the URI, returning an XML string representing the ACL for the data package. Please note: only a very limited set of users are authorized to use this service method.

Read Data Package Archive


Read Data Package Archive operation, specifying the transaction identifier of the data package archive to be read in the URI, returning the data package archive as a binary object in the ZIP file format.


  1. Using curl to read a data package archive and redirect the output to a file:

    curl -s -X GET >

Read Data Package DOI


Read Data Package DOI operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package DOI to be read in the URI, returning the canonical Digital Object Identifier.

Read Data Package Error


Read Data Package Error operation, specifying the scope, identifier, revision, and transaction identifier of the data package error to be read in the URI, returning the error message as plain text.

Read Data Package Resource Metadata


Read Data Package Resource Metadata operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package whose resource metadata is to be read in the URI, returning an XML string representing the resource metadata for the data package.

Read Data Package Report


Read Data Package Report operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package quality report document to be read in the URI.

If an HTTP Accept header with value ‘text/html’ is included in the request, returns an HTML representation of the report. The default representation is XML.

Read Data Package Report ACL


Read Data Package Report ACL operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package report whose access control list (ACL) is to be read in the URI, returning an XML string representing the ACL for the data package report resource. Please note: only a very limited set of users are authorized to use this service method.

Read Data Package Report Checksum


Read Data Package Report Checksum operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package report object whose checksum is to be read in the URI, returning a 40 character SHA-1 checksum value.

Read Data Package Report Resource Metadata


Read Data Package Report Resource Metadata operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package report whose resource metadata is to be read in the URI, returning an XML string representing the resource metadata for the data package report resource.

Read Evaluate Report


Read Evaluate Report operation, specifying the transaction identifier of the evaluate quality report document to be read in the URI.

If an HTTP Accept header with value ‘text/html’ is included in the request, returns an HTML representation of the report. The default representation is XML.

See the Evaluate Data Package service method for information about how to obtain the transaction identifier.

Read Metadata


Read Metadata (EML) operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the EML document to be read in the URI.

Revision may be specified as “newest” or “oldest” to retrieve the newest or oldest revision, respectively.

Read Metadata Dublin Core


Read Metadata (Dublin Core) operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the Dublin Core metadata to be read in the URI.

Revision may be specified as “newest” or “oldest” to retrieve the newest or oldest revision, respectively.

Read Metadata ACL


Read Metadata ACL operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package metadata whose Access Control List (ACL) is to be read in the URI, returning an XML string representing the ACL for the data package metadata resource. Please note: only a very limited set of users are authorized to use this service method.

Read Metadata Checksum


Read Metadata Checksum operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the metadata object whose checksum value is to be read in the URI, returning a 40 character SHA-1 checksum value.

Read Metadata Format


Read Metadata Format operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the metadata to be read in the URI, returning the metadata format type, e.g. “eml://”

Read Metadata Resource Metadata


Read Metadata Resource Metadata operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package metadata whose resource metadata is to be read in the URI, returning an XML string representing the resource metadata for the data package metadata resource.


Describes web service methods for tracking and generating provenance metadata.

Get Provenance Metadata


Add Provenance Metadata from Level-1 metadata in PASTA to an XML document containing a single methods element in the request message body.

Event Notifications

Describes web service methods for subscribing to and receiving data package event notifications.

Create Event Subscription


Create Event Subscription creates a new event subscription.

Delete Event Subscription


Delete Event Subscription deletes the event subscription with the specified ID from the subscription database. After “deletion,” the subscription might still exist in the subscription database, but it will be inactive - it will not conflict with future creation requests, it cannot be read, and it will not be notified of events.

Execute Event Subscription


Execute Event Subscription operation, specifying the ID of the event subscription whose URL is to be executed. Used to execute a particular subscription in the event manager, via an HTTP POST request. Upon notification, the event manager queries its database for the subscription matching the specified subscriptionId. POST requests are then made (asynchronously) to the matching subscription.

The request headers must contain an authorization token. If the request is successful, an HTTP response with status code 200 ‘OK’ is returned. If the request is unauthorized, based on the content of the authorization token and the current access control rule for event notification, status code 401 ‘Unauthorized’ is returned. If the request contains an error, status code 400 ‘Bad Request’ is returned, with a description of the encountered error.

Query Event Subscriptions


Query Event Subscriptions operation, returns a list of the subscriptions whose attributes match those specified in the query string. If a query string is omitted, all subscriptions in the subscription database will be returned for which the requesting user is authorized to read. If query parameters are included, they are used to filter that set of subscriptions based on their attributes.

Get Event Subscription


Get Event Subscription returns the event subscription with the specified ID.

Get Event Subscription Schema


Get Event Subscription Schema operation, returns the XML schema for event subscription creation request entities.

Identifier Reservation Services

Web service methods whereby an end user may reserve data package identifiers for future upload to PASTA.

Create Reservation


Create Reservation operation, creates a new reservation in PASTA for the specified user on the next reservable identifier for the specified scope. The integer value of the reserved identifier (as assigned by PASTA) is returned in the web service response body. User authentication is required.


  1. Using curl to reserve the next available identifier for the specified scope (“edi”):

    curl -i -u uid=jsmith,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org:SOME_PASSWORD -X POST ""
    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    In the example above, user "jsmith" creates a reservation on the next
    available identifier for the "edi" scope. PASTA assigns the value "12",
    meaning that data package identifier "edi.12" is now reserved for future
    upload by user "jsmith". Only user "jsmith" will be allowed to upload
    data packages with identifier "edi.12".

Delete Reservation


Delete Reservation operation, deletes an existing reservation from PASTA. The same user who originally authenticated to create the reservation must authenticate to delete it, otherwise a “401 Unauthorized” response is returned. When successfully deleted, a “200 OK” response is returned, and the integer value of the deleted reservation identifier value is returned in the web service response body.


  1. Using curl to delete an existing reservation for scope (“edi”) and identifier (“12”):

    curl -i -u uid=jsmith,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org:SOME_PASSWORD -X DELETE ""
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    In the example above, user "jsmith" deletes a reservation on document
    identifier "edi.12". Because user "jsmith" previously created this
    reservation, only user "jsmith" is allowed to delete it.

List Active Reservations


List Active Reservations operation, lists the set of data package identifiers that users have actively reserved in PASTA. Note that data package identifiers that have been successfully uploaded into PASTA are no longer considered active reservations and thus are not included in this list.


  1. Using curl to list active reservations:

    curl -X GET
        <dateReserved>2017-01-23 14:11:48.234</dateReserved>
        <dateReserved>2017-01-23 14:14:49.205</dateReserved>
        <dateReserved>2017-01-23 16:03:44.48</dateReserved>
        <dateReserved>2017-01-23 16:16:29.321</dateReserved>
        <dateReserved>2017-01-23 16:16:49.304</dateReserved>
        <dateReserved>2017-01-23 16:16:51.857</dateReserved>

List Reservation Identifiers


List Reservation Identifiers operation, lists the set of numeric identifiers for the specified scope that end users have actively reserved for future upload to PASTA. The numeric identifiers are listed one per line.


  1. Using curl to list reservation identifiers for a specified scope:

    curl -X GET

System Monitoring Services

Web service methods for monitoring the state of data packages being processed in PASTA.

List Working On


List Working On operation, lists the set of data packages that PASTA is currently working on inserting or updating. (Note that data packages currently being evaluated by PASTA are not included in the list.)


  1. Using curl to list data packages that PASTA is working on uploading:

    curl -X GET
        <startDate>2016-12-21 10:43:24.923</startDate>
        <startDate>2016-12-08 16:58:29.307</startDate>
        <startDate>2016-12-08 17:20:59.998</startDate>
        <startDate>2016-12-12 16:54:09.269</startDate>
        <startDate>2016-12-12 16:55:05.453</startDate>
        <startDate>2016-12-12 16:55:36.232</startDate>
        <startDate>2016-12-12 16:58:01.403</startDate>
        <startDate>2017-01-23 16:41:32.349</startDate>
        <startDate>2017-01-24 13:37:29.09</startDate>

Journal Citation Services

Web service methods for creating, reading, and deleting journal citation entries associated with data packages.

Create Journal Citation


Create Journal Citation operation, creates a new journal citation entry in PASTA. An XML document containing metadata for the journal citation must be supplied in the HTTP request body.


  1. Using curl to create a journal citation with the XML metadata stored in a file:

    curl -i -u "uid=ucarroll,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org:PASSWORD" \
       -H "Content-Type: application/xml" --data-binary @journalCitation.xml \
       -X POST

Where file journalCitation.xml contains the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <articleTitle>Tree Survey in Southern Arizona</articleTitle>
    <journalTitle>The Tree Journal</journalTitle>

Delete Journal Citation


Delete Journal Citation operation, deletes the journal citation entry with the specified ID from the journal citation table. Requires authentication by the owner of the journal citation entry.


  1. Using curl to delete the journal citation with identifier value 15, owned by user “ucarroll”:

    curl -i -u "uid=ucarroll,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org:PASSWORD" \
         -X DELETE

Get Journal Citation


Get Journal Citation operation, returns an XML metadata document for the journal citation with the specified integer ID value.


  1. Using curl to access the journal citation with identifier value 15:

    curl -X GET
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <articleTitle>Tree Survey in Southern Arizona</articleTitle>
        <journalTitle>The Tree Journal</journalTitle>

List Data Package Citations


List Data Package Citations operation, specifying the data package scope, identifier, and revision values to match in the URI. Returns a list of journal citations as an XML metadata document.


  1. Using curl to access the list of journal citations for the data package with package ID “edi.1000.1”

    curl -X GET
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <articleTitle>Tree Survey in Southern Arizona</articleTitle>
            <journalTitle>The Tree Journal</journalTitle>
            <articleTitle>Mesquites of the Southwest</articleTitle>
            <journalTitle>Trees of the Southwest</journalTitle>

List Principal Owner Citations


List Principal Owner Citations operation, returns journal citations metadata for all entries owned by the specified principal owner.


  1. Using curl to access the list of journal citations owned by user “ucarroll”

    curl -X GET,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <articleTitle>Tree Survey in Southern Arizona</articleTitle>
            <journalTitle>The Tree Journal</journalTitle>
            <articleTitle>Mesquites of the Southwest</articleTitle>
            <journalTitle>Trees of the Southwest</journalTitle>

Miscellaneous Services

Additional web service methods for working with data packages.

Create Data Package Archive


Create Data Package Archive (Zip) operation, specifying the scope, identifier, and revision of the data package to be Zipped in the URI, and returning a transaction identifier in the response message body as plain text; the transaction identifier may be used in a subsequent call to Read Data Package Error to determine the operation status or to Read Data Package Archive to obtain the Zip archive.

Is Authorized


Is Authorized (to read resource) operation, determines whether the user as defined in the authentication token has permission to read the specified data package resource.